JTEL Board of Directors Meeting, Sunday, May 15, 2011 JTEL Business Office, the Annex, studio #8, 6 pm Agenda: Roll Call Minutes revision from April 11 combined meeting Minutes from the April 17 meeting Reports
Opportunity for Public Comments
Old Business
Opportunity for Public Comments New Business
Opportunity for Public Comments Events:
Next meeting: Sunday, June 12, 2011 BOARD MEETING MINUTES recorded by Deirdre, additional notes by Melinda called to order 6:19 present: Roy Earnest, Eric Glos, Melinda Harris, Deirdre Helfferich (Greta Burkart arrived about 10 minutes later) Ken Blum excused, working. MINUTES April 11 revision not available, bumped to June meeting April 17 minutes draft read by Deirdre, approved with addenda, to be sent out after meeting REPORTS No official committee reports. Discussion: Comments made by ? re: RV parking available in Ester. Solutions? Rasmuson Foundation: we want tier II, $25K and up funding. Speakers for June & July Lecture Series events. More follows in New Business. Construction Committee (Eric): no work party held. Roy: put up orange flagging to show public that something was going to happen, not sure about flagging already on trees: save or cut? Deirdre: save, I think. We'll have to check Deirdre: what about questions from USKH on using Chlupp as a consultant, for solar survey and design? Melinda/Eric: depends on if we're getting charged extra. Eric will check with construction committee and USKH Capital Campaign Committee: Deirdre resigned from committee--too much to do, Monique current chair. Fundraising group separate from Capital Campaign Committee, is a brainstorming group, only Mo, Susan, Carey. Informal. Notes for info only. President's Report The last month and a half has been grueling, and as a consequence of the strain on my sanity, I have resigned from the Capital Campaign Committee, although I am still assisting with a few projects: the endowment contract, various grant application boilerplate pieces, publicity and website articles as needed, and grant and appropriation legal contact/signatory requirements (as per my presidential duty). Publicity/statistics: The Facebook page has increased to 280 fans (as of May 15) and the blog has received 3,001 visits. Website/lecture series: I’ve updated the website with Jennifer Jolis’ talk (for which I will not be present) and sent out an e-mail announcement and poster to the board for passing on to the public. We need someone to take on the lecture series scheduling for the summer on behalf of Ken Bluhm, and a person to work on the publicity year-round. I no longer wish to be responsible for posting the announcements to online calendars, creating the posters, and so forth. Ideally, the person scheduling and proctoring the series should be doing this, or another person who could be assigned publicity duties for library events at large. IRS nonprofit application: The Internal Revenue Service sent us a request for more information on our application for 501(c)(3) charitable nonprofit status on April 18; specifically, our Articles of Incorporation did not include certain required provisions. I submitted the required amendments to the state on April 19 (with our Secretary’s signature also); the state received them and logged them in on April 22. (These amendments were simply the pertinent articles and sections from our bylaws, approved by the membership at our annual meeting on October 24, 2010.) We had not received any paperwork from the state by May 11, so I called and wrote to Caleb Hall, the state’s Registration Examiner, asking him to confirm whether we should expect a hard copy response from the state, or if the document on line (a PDF of the application with various numbers attached and a receipt stamp) was a copy of the approval and therefore sufficient. He uploaded a copy of the certificate (dated May 6) and the filed articles, which we were able to fax to the IRS with their Penalties of Perjury statement. The next day I got a call from Greg Renier of the IRS, who explained that our purpose statement has to be the exact language provided, in other words,
This is true even though we aren’t organized for religious or scientific purposes. So we will need to re-amend Article II section 1 with the state and again fax the approved amendement to Mr. Renier at the IRS. We are okay insofar as our deadline (which is May 19) since we have already started the process and are in contact with the IRS; Renier said we have a grace period. Coordinated planning & fundraising: On May 7, I sent our proposal on coordinated planning and fundraising to representatives of the Ester Community Association, the Ester Volunteer Fire Department, Inc., and Calypso Farm & Ecology Center. Nancy Burnham and Susan Willsrud planned to pass this proposal on to their respective boards on Monday, May 9. While the ECA approved the idea at their April 17 spring meeting, no one has as yet stepped forward to form this group, so I sent a followup query on May 11 to the ECA’s treasurer and secretary on it and reiterating our request for a letter of support. The ECA will be having a board meeting soon, probably Tuesday, May 17, and the letter and (maybe) the coordinated planning/fundraising group will be on the agenda. We will also need two volunteers from JTEL to work on this partnership. Support for Noel Wien Library: Judie Triplehorn mentioned that Noel Wien’s director, Greg Hill, had expressed to her how pleased and grateful he was that we provided a letter of support to the Mayor’s Office for their repair money. I think expressions of support such as this could be very helpful to us in the long run, and we should keep that in mind when working with other organizations with complementary missions (for example, educational and cultural organizations, Ester and Goldstream-area organizations, media and literary groups). Big news is JTEL now has Liability Insurance! Unrelated income ofJTEL, i.e. rental cabin or? A portion is permitted of total. [What %] Vice President's Report Experiencing a bit of library blowback, but not just us--e.g., enterprise fund issue with Noel Wien Library. FNSB assembly members are elected at large, meaning they each represent everyone, not particular districts. Some discussion of problem with fee-based service for public library, speaking as individual rather than as JTEL board member. Eric holding off because the issue made him angry. General agreement that enterprise fund not appropriate for borough library, and not useful way of keeping track of budget or use: numbers and use already tracked. Natalie Howard's rationale for proposal (tracking) not pertinent--enterprise fund not need for stated purpose. Used more for things like Carlson Center or utilities. Not applicable to JTEL model, either. Secretary's Report (not available) Treasurer's Report (not available) Opportunity for Public Comment: none. Proposal: Into Woods Cabin Bowers called just before meeting, could not come, clarified that he is the sole owner, no title exists (University was treating it as trash, invited Bowers to salvage). Happy to provide a tour. Cabin sitting on steel rails, still has supports inside for moving. Cabin is a donation to the library, but need quote for cost of moving or pledge of same as donation. Eric: didn't he want it dedicated for music? Deirdre: originally, yes, but didn't clarify if still donating with this condition, or if it was just a preference. Eric: like the Alaskalandish quality, log cabin to please those on survey who like log look, historical building at least 80 or 90 years old, probably purchased from original builder by the Swaims, interesting, neat old couple who lived there forever. Melinda: we should see if it is preservation-worthy, take a tour to see if okay. Next weekend? Deirdre to set up. Date to inspect cabin to be determined. OLD BUSINESS purchases/reimbursements, tabled computing systems: Ulises ordering a PC for the library to run GiftWorks on, couldn't get the one he originally wanted because it was made in Tokyo (near Fukishima plant). Will be donating up to $5,000 worth of equipment, hours as needed. VERY generous. Webinars available for GiftWorks, very enthusiastic contact there, free design update: per construction committee non-report. Questions still to be answered with USKH concerning existing design as drawn and incorporation of Passiv Haus design elements, use of Chlupp as consultant = additional design cost. Endowment contract language: Deirdre presented; boilerplate looks just fine, read to assembled. Added language: $2K from JTEL to establish fund.
Roy moved to accept, Greta seconded, all approved policies: tabled community survey update: 79 online responses, 35 paper; need another 100 to have the goal of 10% of local population. Table at Gold Hill suggested. Roy suggests continuing different days and times at PO, as well as continuing Saturday. Deirdre tried hard to get Dave Hyland to do survey; said "you don't want my opinion," insisted that yes, we do, even negative criticisms. Important to have all opinions and ideas. Anonymous, not just a rah-rah feel-good survey, need to see weak points. proposal to ECA, sent 05/07/2011 et al RE: Grants and Cooperation/Coordinated Fundraisin, i.e. Community Revenue Sharing. JTEL, ECA, EVFD, Calypso. see proxy report above. No word from Nancy on EVFD. Wrote to Susan re Calypso response, haven't heard back yet. Melinda volunteered to be a representative for JTEL with the nonprofit planning/fundraising coordination group. Mutual letters of support help expand our rapport with other groups. NEW BUSINESS Friends of JTEL: Roy read draft mission statement for Friends. general approval, strong statement. Roy will provide more info next mtg. Friends of JTEL to function as an auxiliary, fan club. Roy discussed their elements of Mission, Vision, Values and Ethics. membership drive: Friends? tabled membership benefits/policy: tabled log cabin workshop: tabled librarian job duties: Deirdre read draft ideas to meeting; divide into volunteer duties/paid duties. Suggested Pauline Wilson (volunteer, retired reference librarian) to review, maybe draw up volunteer duties draft? DH will ask. Ester market booth: some discussion. Melinda moved 2nd to pay $10 season fee to enable possibility of participation, all approved. Shannan Turner is Ester Market point-of-contact Lecture series proctor & publicity: maybe put in Gazebo Story Night instead for June/July? more discussion needed. Melinda suggested Amy Cameron as publicity person for series; Amy not present at meeting to comment. Opportunity for Public Comment: none. EVENTS Melinda will proctor Jennifer Jolis' lecture in Hartung Hall, 7pm on 18th May. She will contact Jennifer for details & work with Ulises/Deirdre to get projector. Library Lecture Series: Motion from Melinda: cancel library lecture series for June/July Eric second, all approved, DH abstained. LiBerry Music Festival: should be moved to a different weekend, not on Major Miner Day (Aug 20). Malemute probably unavailable (open in June only). Melinda will check to be sure. Important to inform Monique of date change & reschedule any bookings (Only A Minyan). Next Board Meeting scheduled for Sunday June 12, 2011 at 6pm, Studio #8 Annex. Adjourned: 8:30 | ||||
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