| ![The John Trigg Ester Library](../../Resources/johntriggesterlibf.gif)
JTEL Board of Directors Meeting, Sunday, 4.17.2011 JTEL Business Office, the Annex, studio #8, 6 pm (please note time!) Agenda: Roll Call Minutes from the December 9, 2010 board meeting (first portion review) Minutes from March 13 meeting Minutes from March 20 meeting Minutes from April 16 meeting Committee Reports Officers' Reports Old Business - computing sytems update
- design update
- endowment: contract language
- grants update
- policies:
- board conduct
- business plan
- marketing & communications plan
- privacy
- program development
New Business Proposed: Resolution of Committment: "The JTEL Board is committed to creating a permanent home for the library on our land in Ester."
Events: Next meeting: Sunday, May 15, 2011 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Attending: Ken Bluhm, Nancy Burnham, Eric Glos (via proxy- absent excused), Deirdre Helfferich, Monique Musick Amy Cameron- absent excused Call to order: 6:17 Minutes from March 13, 2011 Minutes adopted- March 13, March 20, and April 16 Construction meeting minutes need some additions Reports Capital Campaign committee - Met April 2 before grant workshop
- Carey is an official member, Shannon and Todd are participants
- JTEL is on the list for Community Rev. Share on the FNSB assembly meeting agenda for April 14
- Discussed better communication among non-profits
- 75 survey online, 14 on paper. PO sittings going well- many have helped out. More survey copies on paper are needed, Quite a few want paper versions. More participation needed, Need to extend through May at least
- Board approved endowment. Board needs to complete the details
- Funding plan- Mo, Cary and Susan will meet to discuss. One idea is coffee. Will consult with others to discuss feasibility
- Grants.gov DUNS application in process
- Grant workshop was successful. Multiple people showed up. Second session was smaller- many good ideas generated. Summer suggested Good Cents Program. Carey will help edit grant applications. Reviewed Murdock site- readiness for grants checklist. We are heading in the right direction- but holes exist. Need operations plan. Proof of community support- survey good start. 10-15% of building cost needs to come from community. Boiler plate statements- purpose. Partnerships. Evaluation- no plan yet
- Thank Yous sent
- Legislative appropriation not in Senate budget draft. Letters of Support gathered and sent to Guttenberg
- Logo- nothing to report.
- Marketing is still weak
President’s Report - We have 275 likes on Facebook
- Amazing things have happened in the last couple of years.In part from the stress- more and more impressed with the skills on and contributions from the board. We are learning a lot about being a board. This is an education
VP Report - Get insurance very soon. Recommend policy from Bobby Hanson through Hale and Associates. Seems adequate and flexible
- Personal comments: Does not like the addition for coffee/schwag. Would need to get $100 day profit to get $36,500/yr.
- Prefer cabin for rent/trade as more guaranteed income more in line with our mission if any other building is to be built
Secretary Report - Took minutes at lots of meetings
- Working a little on business plan
Treasurer’s report - Deposit $703.34
- Expenses $429.75
- Balance savings $14,017.26
- Checking $1065.37
- Gulliver’s credit $469.65
- Received $100 gift certificate for used books from Gulliver’s
OLD BUSINESS Computing systems update - Ulises is actively working on ideas for the library
- Found an LCD projector we could use. He’d possibly like to borrow it sometimes. He’d like to give it to us. Works with Mac or PC. Can offer for lectures etc
- Asked if there was anyone interested in computer systems, Deirdre mentioned Phil Roulon. Phil is interested- will work contact Ulises
- Features- wifi in building; High speed anywhere; Dedicated server.
- Talked to ACS about the need for speed. Lots of requests are going- ACS isn’t responding
- Computer stations will be able to run Mac, Linux, and PC. [Ulises] is getting the equipment He is working on policies- security etc. He is a professional technology consultant. He will contact USKH
Design update- - Add on is an option
- No one wants a coffeeshop/cafe- keep it simple. Keep it as an option only. Instead of adding expense- we need to be going in the opposite direction. It could add funds. Need not be the full 20x20- but it does provide an entry
- Lots of kids hang out at the Noel Wein lobby. A lobby, entry, hang-out welcome space would be great. Noisy meeting area, Space for functions, music. Make it more of an attraction. There is a lot of interest in a community space. Our purpose is not specifically a community center- but it is an important part. Rather spend more now than try and do it later. Get coffee- buy duplicates, hang out, without disturbing the library patrons. Sales items- t-shirts, art etc.
- Really valid reasons for not making it too big. More questions later once we get price projections. At what point do we say we need to talk? More ideas will come in- where do we stop?
- Keep it really simple, but this allows for growth
- Coffee hasn’t worked well in Ester- but we will be advertising on a much larger scale. Start with a coffee pot, Let demand shape growth
- We all want to look at the option, No one is ready to jump without information
- What is our upfront cost?
- How much can we raise?
- What does the community want? Input from the community is important
- We have to have some way to fund the operations of the library. It needs to be built in
- We have a huge basement with an exterior door. Fairbanks open radio is a lot more organized than they were not long ago. They could be a compatible renter. Turn that basement into income
- Music library
- Need an official statement on the legality of rental income
- Prefer monthly income
- Area in front of bathrooms
- J. Jolis suggested using the library as a visitor center. Themed area- Alaska, Ester. Closed off for sound- noisy section. Have coffee there. Visitor’s centers qualify for their own funding
- Plan A- use existing plan space; Plan B- new addition
- Parking is going to be a problem. Just 3 RVs will take up our lot. Where are we going to have visitors park?
- Signs? Where could we put one? Signs on the Parks will bring in tourists
- Rental cabin should be the first building project we do. Log building workshop: Joe, Richard, Jeremy, etc.? Possibly through the university. Rental income. First priority. That idea has been out there. There is space near the Mushing property. Whoever uses the cabin will have a role in the library. It will give us income and display visible progress
- Let’s look into our options for income
Endowment - working on contract language. Send comments to Deirdre about the application
Grants update - We are eligible [for Rasmuson?]
- Susan brought up trying for a Tier I first- not sure that’s the way to go
- Planning on starting at Tier II
- Introduce with Tier I
- But, we are looking for something big- that’s why we are going big
- Still working on a second draft on the brochure
Program Development- Today’s ECA meeting made it clear that our programs are important in creating a case for support and fulfillment of mission. Regular activities will be important - Associate coffee with the library- lattes at the gazebo suggested
- “Death and Dying” stories- Ester gold camp death history
- Gazebo Nights: Ida’s music and tales
- Get the plaque for the gazebo
Resolution of Committment - “The JTEL Board is committed to creating a permanent home for the library on our land in Ester”
Motion: Monique adopt resolution Roy: Second All approved Goals and objectives review draft. Listened to these goals- get some ideas flowing. Everyone is on the same page on these goals and objectives. Remove the timeline aspect of these goals- we’ll get there when we can Events- Library lecture Grounds work party will be April 30 and May 1 Monique: Move to adopt the insurance policy as presented from Liberty Northwest for $643 a year. Purchase before the work party. Nancy: Second All approved Clearing Felling trees is professional work, Not a public work party. John Swan has offered help. Roy will help, Hans will work. Tree cutting can be emotional. Everyone come down and take a look first. There needs to be room for parking, the building and equipment. What’s the date rush? Needs dry ground. Lets tape the trees- mark it. Let people see it for a while. Let people get the idea that a clearing is coming. Let people evaluate the decisions. Get feedback from key players- architects, equipment operators, board, community, etc. lectures - Jenifer Jolis- May18
- Matt Reckard- August
- Any fire department- fire wise, wildland firefighting history- Susan Todd
- Thorsten- Wednesday. Need to get posters up, Need to get blurbs to media, Call KUAC, contact Dermont, Posters up at the University- Monique
Survey table sitting: - April 20, Roy and Cary
- April 23, Nancy
- April 30, Monique and Ken
Nancy: Move to Adjourn Roy: Second All approved 8:16 Attachment: Goals and Objectives Goals & Objectives broad goal: to enrich and strengthen the social, cultural, and economic life of the people of Ester specific goal: to construct a library building that will provide a welcoming and intellectually stimulating environment where community members can meet, learn, and share ideas; and that will showcase Ester-area history and culture and provide resources that will encourage literacy and promote lifelong learning, thereby enriching the whole community. objectives: 1. to structure the JTEL organization by summer 2011 to enable JTEL to achieve the library’s mission most effectively. 2. to construct a modern, environmentally sustainable and site-sensitive library building that will house the JTEL’s collections and provide a community learning and gathering space, to be completed by winter 2013. 3. to celebrate and showcase Ester’s artistic diversity and innovation by incorporating local artwork on an ongoing basis into the building and on the library grounds beginning with finish work during building construction in 2013. 4. to provide broadband internet access and state of the art computing facilities for public use by spring 2014. 5. to transfer the library’s full collection to the new building, catalog the collections such that they are compatible with state and borough library systems, and enable the library to offer its collection to use by the public by summer 2014. 6. to expand or begin establishing educational, cultural, and community-building library programs and archives by 2015. 7. to encourage healthy lifestyles and an understanding of the natural world by using the grounds as a component of the educational purpose of the library by 2016. | | |