The John Trigg Ester Library

Capital Campaign Committee meeting, Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Time: 5:30 pm; location: JTEL office


Roll call: Carey Brink, Monique Musick, Susan Willsrud

Previous meeting: April 2, 2011

Brainstorming fundraising ideas

Schedule next meeting: Tuesday May 3, 2011

Draft notes:

Carey reviewed past minutes of the board and capital campaign

Need something solid to get money soon

12 Steps to a Successful Capital Campaign- online on Kresge site

Useful ideas for fundraising

Somethings we do well somethings we need to develop still

Our planning for the building matches our vision and mission

Get the board members more involved. Give every board member a piece of the plan- get a committee behind them. Have a specific focus for each board member

Need more people involved. Give each of them a specific focus- something they are interested in. Utilize their skills, talents and interests

Friends of the Library- donor base. Inform them about volunteer opportunities

Pategonia Library- story on Facebook- had a Friends Group. They were volunteers- extremely active

Key messages need to portray the value of the institution

Test and measure- define metrics

Make sure that your message is effective- find ways to prove it

What are you offering other organizations?

Establish partnerships and support networks

Target- and nurture

Build relationships with key donors and allies


“The library won’t cost you anything”- that’s the wrong message

The library will involve investment from the community

The bar may be too low by having a $5 membership

Message needs to be that we need to come together and make it happen

It’s not public- we have to pay for it

We need real buy-in to build our endowment

How much would every person need to give to make it happen?

Membership would need to change- sending the wrong image

Membership levels- lowest may be $5

Message of need: If everyone gave $20 library operations would be fully funded

Calypso- requested any amount for the year- average ~$75

Annual membership fee= annual operating income

When the campaign comes up it is extra- the membership is past

Make a card- go house to house

Sign up at your membership level or chosen membership fee

Analyzing how people give- arrangement of choices

Steer them towards what you want by giving options above and below

Messaging is super important- this is an investment in the community

Secure some major funding before making the campaign public

Good example with the Food Co-Op- went public too soon and it looks like they are faltering- people are waiting for success- makes it look like failure

Library may be in a better place

People are intrigued- they need to be informed to raise money

Build some momentum

Need at least 10–20 more people to get involved as volunteers

Raise both funds and friends

Get kids involved- youth is part of the mission. Find ways to use them

Share information

It takes a concerted effort to reach out to the community

Build fundraising momentum

Build the caretaker cabin first

Workshop style- how to build a log cabin

Breakdown operating expenses

Figure out what percentage is going to come from what activities

What are our areas of earned income?

  • Rent
  • Sales
  • Membership
  • Grants?
  • Donations
  • Sponsorships
  • Fundraisers

What could we get in-kind?

Need to establish our brand and identity

Separate from the Republic

Community investment is key

Doubtful that grants will be available

Cannot count on state or borough funding

Grants don’t fall from the sky

Remit envelopes-

  • Design
  • Production
  • Distribution

Goal and message

It takes a village

Annual request

Donation of any amount

For example if everyone gave $25.00 we would have.......

What you are getting for it...

  • Beyond Books
  • Technology
  • Inspiration
  • Communication
  • Community
  • Multi-use destination
  • History
  • Small business resources
  • Convenient community center for nurturing the mind
  • Resource center for students, parents, and small businesses.
  • Technology at your fingertips

The library of the future-

The past of the library is not the message for the future

It hurts our message to linger on the past years- this is something entirely new

Get them involved

Invitation to become involved-

News, events, resources

Pair this with the vision for the library

We are working towards something new

  • Beyond Books
  • Community center for nurturing the mind
  • Blue
  • Brown
  • Green accents

Join us: Be a part of creating your community

Your annual membership contribution

Library has a direct influence on people’s lives

$15,000 annual membership goal

The amount we get will be less than in the capital campaign

Use membership push to generate PR and practice a campaign

A warm-up for the capital campaign

We need to figure out our funding “pie”

Where is the money to run the library coming from?

Go door to door- meet the great community

Bring new donors and members in

Purchase a mailing list

Or otherwise attain a regional mailing list

Ester, Ester Dome, Cripple Creek, Old Nenana, Parks Ridge, Henderson, Becker Ridge,

Roisey Creek, Happy Road (St. Patrick)


Personal phone call

  • - ask if they want to get updates
  • - if they want to be involved
  • - if they know where to find us online

Vertical Response- free e-mail based response

Send out updates via e-mail

Office sponsors- gather more

Have membership cards at every activity possible

Get more survey respondents- keep it running as long as necessary

Visits door to door to include survey, membership, special sponsorships, office sponsors

General library piece

Blast e-mail for the survey

If you haven’t we need it for.....

Things we need:

Membership card (envelope)

Copies of the survey

Gates Foundation?

Personal connection to Fairbanks- does anything fit?

Prospect List

Make some initial contact, build PR before we go asking for funds

Lists of people involved with library

Anybody who has shown interest


Scout the Noel Wien and Rasmuson supporters

UA Foundation donors

Major arts supporters- save your programs

Outreach at July 4- most visual activity in Ester. Plan outreach during the event

Meet next on May 3, 5:30, JTEL Office

library dog







Capital Campaign Committee