The John Trigg Ester Library

JTEL Board of Directors Meeting 11/11/09

Call to order 7:07 p.m. Golden Eagle Saloon

Roll Call: Deirdre Helfferich, Pres; Eric Gloss, Vice Pres;Monique Musick, Secretary; Nancy Burnham, Treasurer; Trej Simmons (Greta’s proxy); Margaret Rogers; Melinda Harris

Minutes: Read by Monique

ACTION: Minutes accepted

Will be stored online on website and stored on disc periodically

Treasurers Report:

Deposited dues from meeting ~$300

Paid Frank for the rest of the year $150. Will begin paying in six month increments

Fuel is currently half-full, Option of filling it up or waiting until it is full. Small tank, maybe 500 gallons? Inquire about closing vents to upstairs to save on heating fuel Price of oil will probably go up as winter goes on. No tenant upstairs to split cost with. Find out from Frank if there is any splitting of fuel costs. Renter upstairs soon?

ACTION: Treasurer. report accepted

Schedule Events

“Red Dress Party”

A successful fundraiser in Logan Utah for twenty years. Raiser lots of money. Ester seems like a good place. Traditionally around Valentine’s day. Need band. Food stuff. ~$20 entrance. Guest wear red. Tentatively Feb 13th or 20th- near but not on Valentine’s Day. Because Lallapolooza in February maybe move it.

May 1, 2010 is a Saturday– go for a May Day Red Dress Party!


The Sunday before the March First Friday is February 28. This year add in “Library Decathalon”. National Event by Library Association. Teams compete with library carts, performance and choreography. Guidelines for that event.

Kate’s ideas include: Shushing contest, Book thief tackle, Book stack relay, Human Google.

Amy discussing another fashion show of some sort

Perhaps Melinda could be chair? Need to determine Volunteer coordinator

Set-up 26th 27th, Take down March 1.

Li-Berry Music Festival and Pie Throw Down

Tie-in with the Malemute being open? Too early? June or July. Made a lot more money at the Eagle.

Saturday August 21 tentative date

Readers on the Run

October 9th, Second Saturday.

Running Club North runs year round. Publicity from this year’s event drew attention, Next year likely to be bigger. Fall time seems to work

Annual Meeting

October 17, 2010

Time after first meeting and Readers-on-the-run

Presentations Wednesdays near the end of the month, keeping that flexible

Do a feed of some sort mid-winter. Jerry Nordman has a theme idea. Watch out not to step on toes. ECA does chili feed, Hockey women did pizza, Boy Scout breakfast etc. Leave this flexible for now.

Too many fundraisers? Not really, only Lallapolloza, Other events are more like concerts etc., Readers on the Run has a very different crowd


Becoming Non-Profit

Foraker group will help walk thru the non-profit organization process. Helped NAEC, reviewed finances. Nancy nd MArgaret, being on EFVD Board, have a pretty good idea of what needs done. Foraker helped them pick goals. Get the outline of what they talk about. Foraker offers lots of services...$1500 membership fee. NAEC and Library very different, mangos and bananas, millions verses thousands. Lets get what we can done on our own.

We have very experienced fundraisers who will help us with the process: Susan Wilsrud, Meritt Helfferich

Just started capital campaign. Publicity drive has been only focus so far. Now we need to be 501-c-3 driven and get it done ASAP. Take advantage of free advisors. Section out parts of paperwork, Organize process. Produce everything we can alone, with guidance from community, then have it reviewed. Make sure our procedures are in compliance

Suggest to table Foraker for now.

May be worth it, but not until we are 501(c)(3) already.

Rasmuson willl also help us. To help us succeed under their umbrella they will provide guidance

We will need an actual accountant when dealing with larger sums, Tax preparation needs to be done right.

We seem to have a pretty good idea of goals, a good starting point.

We should find out what Foraker offers and how much. For EVFD they helped guide them down a Five Year plan.

Someone who knows how to organize priorities.

We don’t have the money for it now: The first outside help we pay for will most likely be an accountant for Tax preparation.

State Non-Profit Application / Articles of Incorporation

Disolution Statement:

In the event of dissolution of the John Trigg Ester Library, the board of directors shall, after paying and making provisions for the payment of all liabilities, distribute all the assets of the corporation, including real property, over to the Ester Community Association.

ACTION: Dissolution statement accepted

ACTION: Signed and filled out State Articles of Incorporation

Paperwork sent with Nancy to make copies and mail-in with payment

Move to adjourn 8:22

ACTION: Meeting adjorned

Next meeting December 9

library dog







Board of Directors