Seedy Saturday 1

Clausen Cabin 3629 Main Street, Ester

First of three consecutive seed swaps. Bring your seeds! Bring your seed catalogs! Heirloom seeds encouraged. We have Fedco and Tomato Growers Supply. Please join us! 

Finance Committee Meeting

JTEL Finance Committee Agenda for meeting March 1, 2016  Minutes from February 13, 2016 Minutes from February 23, 2016  Old Business Inventory of Restricted Funds progress Finance and insulation project update Financial plan for 2016 cabin projects IRS 1099 Form … Continue reading

Seedy Saturday 2

Clausen Cabin 3629 Main Street, Ester

It's the second consecutive Seedy Saturday! Looking for herbs? Planning your vegetables? Come trade with your neighbors at the Seedy Saturdays at your local library! Join the Garden Group and help us all year round if your green thumb itches … Continue reading

March Board Meeting

Clausen Cabin 3629 Main Street, Ester

Wednesday March 9, 2016 Members present: James, Amanda, Mindy, Gary and Mo Meeting started at 6:50 pm. New Business: Elect New President Discussion Follows, Amanda Possible. Monique nominated Amanda, approved Need to update paperwork. Mindy is Assistant Treasurer. Safe deposit … Continue reading

Seedy Saturday 3

Clausen Cabin 3629 Main Street, Ester

Our third Seedy Saturday of the season, for those of you who missed the other two, means there is still a chance to get together and trade with your neighbors! Flower seeds, vegetable seeds, quick-growing greens like lettuce and mustard—we've … Continue reading

Painting party!

Clausen Cabin 3629 Main Street, Ester

Come help us paint the Clausen Cabin! After adding insulation and sheetrock, we need to finish painting the doors and put a coat on the walls. We've got a few volunteers already, but we'll need a few more for cleanup, … Continue reading

Finance & Facilities Joint Committee Meeting 3.22.2016

JTEL Finance & Facilities Joint Committee meeting Agenda for March 22, 2016  Finance Committee minutes March 1, 2016  Joint Committee Business  2016 cabin projects – review, adjust costs, develop plan CRS 2016 grant status Clausen Cabin Restricted Funds Budget needs … Continue reading

Facilities & Finance joint meeting

Clausen Cabin 3629 Main Street, Ester

Joint committee meeting with the Facilities Committee and Finance Committee Invited guests: Carrie, Jeanne Laurencelle, Mike Musick See agenda.

Joint Finance & Facilities

Clausen Cabin 3629 Main Street, Ester

Wednesday, March 30, 6:30 pm Invited guests include Jeanne Laurencelle & friend, Mike Musick. We hope to finish what was left over from the previous week's joint meeting of the two committees in a discussion of financial / construction priorities … Continue reading

Finance Meeting March 30, 2016

Agenda for March 30, 2016  Finance Committee minutes March 22, 2016  Old Business -- Finance Alaska Library Association membership fee Hale & Assoc. Insurance Inventory of Restricted Funds Internal Audit update New business -- Finance  Report for BOD meeting Welcome … Continue reading

Advertising begins for Phase 1

The advertising begins today for Phase 1's construction, with the official Invitation to Bid on the project. All documents are available under the Bid Documents tab. Please review thoroughly. The legal ad will be printed May 1, May 4, and … Continue reading